Author: Aaron Griffin
Certificate that pays well - become a hail repair sales contractor
If you are considering trade school, college, or any type of online certification - ask yourself what is your ultimate goal with working?
Eventually you want to save enough money to never have to "work" another job again right, or at least do what you want with your time?
If you're not selling, you're being sold.
A less general interpretation of this statement is: in the economy and job market, your income is limited to slave/indentured servitude levels where you are forced to work 40 hours a week for decades just to "retire" in your 70s. UNLESS you go into sales and earn UNCAPPED commissions. Then you can skip decades of struggling and escape the economic conditions that limit upward mobility.
When you go to college or earn a certificate then look for a job, what you are doing is really selling your time for money. You make an investment of time and money into education, so you can get a better rate selling your life away in the job market.
As a hail repair sales contractor, you're no longer working for someone else. You are selling services and earning commissions, so time is being sold to yourself - basically. The amount that you earn has no limit. So you can work 40 hours a week and make $5,000+, instead of being stuck doing "tasks" for low hourly wages that will never enable you to own a home or become financially free.
My course will enable you to MAXIMIZE your rate. You can make thousands of dollars per day as a hail repair sales contractor. You can learn in just a couple of days online using my training program. You can make $10,000+ per month as a total rookie in this career.
What is the Auto Hail Repair Sales Contractor Masterclass?
The course is an online training that will certify you as a hail repair sales contractor. The course will teach you everything you need to know about the industry and job. The course is self-paced and can be completed in just a couple of days. You can get a FREE 24 hour preview to figure out if it's for you.
There are two main reasons why you should get certified as a hail repair sales contractor:
1) It enables you to charge more for your time.
Employers are willing to pay more for you to sell for them when they know that the person they are working with is certified and knowledgeable. You can make DOUBLE the amount of money as someone with no training.
2) It allows you to work independently.
As a certified hail repair sales contractor, you will be able to work independently and set your own hours. This means that you can make as much or as little money as you want - it all depends on how much time you are willing to put in.