Author: Aaron Griffin
Top Paying Trade Jobs - Auto Hail Repair Contracting
There are many ways a person can spend their life. You can take the mainstream route and be like everyone else, or you can have courage to believe in yourself and do something that isn't normal.
Before we get into the specifics of what Auto Hail Repair is, just imagine it for now as a concept. Auto hail repair is an efficient mechanism through which you can acquire a lot of income in a very short period of time with minimal work - compared to virtually every other trade job out there.
Auto hail repair contractors as total beginners often make more than $100 per hour, and experienced contractors make over $500 an HOUR. You read that right. Can you think of any highly specialized trade that makes that much? Software engineers, Lawyers, doctors, underwater welders, etc... Those jobs are WAY HARDER than auto hail repair contracting and don't even pay as much as hail contractors make if you break it down to $ per hour.
Personally I'm willing to sacrifice a few years of time to set myself up to be financially comfortable forever. The time required isn't even that long. 1-3 years of working hard for 6 months out of the year can permanently change your life.
There are a lot of things I want to do with my life; like travel the world, go to music festivals, be an artist, digital nomad, etc... working at a "normal" job would never enable me to get there - so thats why I do this job. I do it for the freedom and the lifestyle it lets me live.
Re-imagine the concept of a "job" as a mechanism that limits you, and Auto Hail Repair as a mechanism that frees you.
What I've realized over the last decade as I struggled financially and got myself through college, finished a degree, and entered the workforce, is that basically every job is a somehow a "scam" on your life or your time. You get paid to do some task, while someone else that owns a company makes tons of money and has a way better life than you. But NOT in auto hail repair. This career is a real opportunity to set yourself free and retire at a young age. Contractors are highly in demand and compensated extremely well.
My goal (and hopefully yours) is to get enough money to never have to "work" again. That doesn't mean you don't continue to doo stuff. It just means you never have to worry about trading your time for money again.
How? through owning assets that create passive income. For some people this is real estate, but it can be any type of automated business. To own assets you need to make income to buy them. How do make as much as possible as quickly as possible?
Learn valuable skills that demand a high income.
Some people claim that trade jobs are a better idea than going to college because you learn a skill that is useful and get paid well for it. In Auto Hail Repair Contracting, that skill is being able to explain information to people about the auto insurance claims process and paint-less dent repair.
people with internalized hail-repair industry knowledge that are experts at explaining it to people make high incomes. People with these skills can create $10,000+ of net income in less than a week for themselves. You can learn to do the same - it's really not that hard, but you do have to work for it.