Author: Aaron Griffin
Looking at high paying majors? Study Auto Hail Repair and make more than lawyers and engineers!
Auto Hail Repair can be incredibly lucrative with income earning potential of more than $150,000+ in LESS THAN 6 MONTHS. The best part is you work a lot less hours than people with careers like Lawyers and Doctors, there is zero manual labor involved, and you can make that kind of income without spending years of time in a traditional college environment trying to get a degree and then struggling to get a job. You get several months off every winter to do whatever you want like travel, flip houses, or pursue whatever you are most passionate about. You can take our online training and learn in a few days, and start earning money asap!
Advice to people looking at college, trying to decide on a high paying major
I'm not trying to suggest people shouldn't go to college. If you have a full-ride scholarship absolutely go. (You can do auto hail repair from June-August during the summer).
The problem with college is that the for-profit college establishment in America just another way that "the system traps you". The leaders of the world don't want poor people to get rich, they want to keep everyone part of the middle and lower classes (slaves) so you can keep paying rent and spending all your money to the corporations that are collectively owned by the elite. There is no reason college is so expensive other than pure greed.
So college has become a way to trap people with debt while simultaneously making the corporations that own universities massive profits capitalizing on the new generation each year entering the workforce. Corporations have paid off politicians to make it EASY to get a loan for college, where you spend huge amounts of money on paper. But it's IMPOSSIBLE to get a loan for a business or a home if you are TRAPPED IN STUDENT LOAN DEBT. If you have to take out loans to pay for college you are being trapped in debt and that is STUPID to get yourself into.
What happens when you graduate no matter what high paying major you choose is that you will be at the mercy of the job market.
You will have invested years of your life which you could have spent making $100,000+ per year, but instead now you have a piece of paper that's supposed to enable you to get a job. So the cost of that degree is actually a lot more than you think it is. You will be years behind in retirement compared to someone who goes into Auto Hail Repair. They will own a million dollar house by the time you graduate with your basically useless degree.
What happens to the majority of people who finish college with ANY undergraduate degree? You end up pivoting into a different job you never wanted to do in the first place, or doing something totally different than what you went to school for. You end up spending years applying for jobs and the only offers you get will barely let you afford an apartment and pay the interest on your student loans. You get 2 weeks off a year. That's NOT the way to live...
For basically everyone else, college is useful in the sense that it makes you become more "professional". Learning math and science, critical thinking, and being exposed to new ideas at high levels is important. But most self-made millionaires and business owners DON'T subscribe to the mainstream education paradigm. Education is slow and overpriced. You can learn anything you need to from google for FREE. You can create your own opportunities. You just need MONEY to make stuff happen. Auto hail repair contracting lets you make MORE MONEY, FASTER, than ANY other career.
You don't need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on college for someone to give you a bunch of arbitrary work to do. If you want to make $100,000+ in a few months just take the Auto Hail Repair Contractor Training.
Be more concerned with becoming FINANCIALLY FREE than choosing a high paying major.
Don't listen to your parents and teachers when they tell you what to do. Are they multi-millionaires? Probably not. Most teachers just do that job because they have no other choice. They went to college hoping to get high paying jobs and ended up teaching because they couldn't "make it" any other way. You SHOULD be listening to people who make millions like Grant Cardone, Jordan Belfort, and other "influencer" entrepreneurs. They will all tell you the same thing - you need a VEHICLE to make HIGH INCOME.
A college degree with a high paying major isn't going to get you financially free anytime soon. You're going to spend 4-7 years in college, invest at least $50,000-$70,000 in tuition. Most of that money goes into the universities pockets and not your professors who are working for bottom dollar. After all those years you have to "start at the bottom" and "work your way up" to high income - assuming you can even find a job.
Life doesn't work the same now as it did in your parents generation. The economy has been manipulated/destroyed and your life will be spent as a servant/slave unless you make A LOT OF MONEY. Listen to people to make a lot of money and be like them. Centi-Millionaires like Grant Cardone will tell you "Sales is how you make high income".
When I was in high school my parents and teachers put a lot of pressure on me to go to college and pick a major. It seemed like going to college was the only way to up-level life and get a better job. There was all kinds of statistics about how people with a degree make a lot more on average than people without a degree. I knew I wanted to have a cool job. I also wanted to make a lot of money. It seemed like the highest paying options were engineering and finance.
After I finished college I switched careers to auto hail repair and it was the best decision I have ever made. I WISH I could go back in time and tell myself to just start with auto hail repair directly after high school.
Auto Hail Repair is the BEST opportunity in America in 2023.
Catastrophic events are increasing in both frequency and severity. The industry is growing. Every year there are thousands of hail storms, wind storms, fires, hurricanes, tornados, and other destructive events that occur all over the United States. Each one of these destructive weather events creates opportunities for you to make tens of thousands of dollars in a few weeks. Learn more about becoming an Auto Hail Repair Contractor.