Author: Aaron Griffin
Auto Hail Repair is one of the highest paying careers without a degree
I'm going to let you in on a secret. You can make six figures in a few months in Auto Hail Repair, without any formal education. All you need to know is how auto insurance claims work and be able to explain the process to people, which you can learn 100% online in a couple of days.
People generally invest years of their lives and a lot of money in their own education in order be able to get a better job and make a higher income. While it's true that you need skills that are in demand if you want to make a lot of money, getting a degree isn't really the best way to achieve a high income.
Education is time consuming, expensive, and dealing with the complex bureaucracy of the academic system is a nightmare. The good news is that you don't need a degree to make a lot of money in the auto hail repair industry. Trust me - Your friends that went to college will be jealous of your life once they realize how you learned in less than a week to make $100,000 in 6 months.
If you enter the Auto Hail Repair Industry out of high school you can be a real estate millionaire living a lavish lifestyle traveling the world while your peers are still broke working 60 hours a week on their PhDs hating their lives.
Many wealthy people and business owners did not go to college, or even finish high school yet they make millions. Why? Because being RESOURCEFUL is skill that formal education won't give you.
If you get locked into any hourly wage full time job you will most likely NEVER save enough money to retire. Especially not if you have to pay tons of interest on student loans. Money becomes worth less every year, taxes and cost of living increase, until you are completely dependent on your low wage job or the government to support your life. That's no way to live, but that's the grim reality for 90% of college graduates today.
The economy is totally rigged against poor and working class people to make it impossible to save money or invest so you can quit working at an early age. If you spend 80% of your time working some W2 job you will likely never have enough free time to develop your own business or become an entrepreneur. You need to be RESOURCEFUL to escape the modern economic systems of poverty and indentured servitude.
If you don't have a degree, you can still make a high income.
The education system is slow and inefficient, and doesn't teach you how to make money. Education teaches you how to be a slave. But here at Aaron's Hail Repair we enable you to FREE YOURSELF. Once you get enough money you become "free". You can go anywhere and do anything you want. Our salespeople make $10,000-$20,000+ per MONTH out of high-school with little to no job experience or education. If you are already a working professional, you will find auto hail repair to be much easier than whatever you are doing now. In Auto Hail Repair you will work less hours and make double or triple your hourly wage even with a masters degree or PhD.
Freedom isn't what the big money players of the world want for the average individual. You have to FIGHT to GET what you DESERVE. Give yourself the chance to live the life you dream about.
You can make $100,000+ in LESS THAN 6 MONTHS in Auto Hail Repair WITHOUT a degree
You don't need a degree to work in Auto Hail Repair and make $100,000+ in a few months. All you need is the knowledge of insurance claims and the determination to see yourself succeed.
Every year in the United States (and other countries) there are hundreds of destructive weather events that cause property damage covered by insurance. Someone has to fix all that damage! Wind storms, hail storms, hurricanes, floods, fires, etc... In each of these natural disasters - property is damaged.
The Auto Hail Repair industry is a lucrative niche within the 100+ Billion-dollar-a-year insurance restoration industry. The industry has remained relatively "secret" passed down through family owned companies over the years until in the past few years with climate change causing an increase in destructive weather events and huge demand for new restoration contractors.
We specialize in auto hail repair, so we fix hail dents in vehicles after hail storms.
After a hail storm hits a big city there are sometimes hundreds of thousands of vehicles damaged. All of the local bodyshops are booked out months capturing just 2% of the damaged vehicles in the area. So that's where the demand comes from.
People need to get their vehicles fixed and don't want to wait 6 months. So entrepreneurs in the insurance restoration industry move to the storm affected area, deploy a business, and start servicing those customers.
What makes this industry so great is we are able to GIFT CUSTOMERS their INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE. So normally customers have to pay out of pocket $500 to $1,000 when they go to the dealership or wherever their insurance company normally recommends. But by law - customers have the right to choose any business they want for their hail repairs, and the insurance company HAS TO PAY. So we give the customers money to use our company, so it doesn't cost them anything, and we make hundreds or sometimes thousands of profit for every customer.
We provide customers a much better alternative for their hail dent repairs.
Many customers have no choice - they have to get their vehicles fixed because they have a lein-holder. When they file an insurance claim, their insurance company sends them to a recommended body shop where they are forced to pay a high deductible. That's not what people should do.
Customers can avoid that outcome by coming to our shop, where we pay their deductible which saves them a lot of money. Plus we give them better customer service. A lot of people are thrilled when they find out about us and our offer.
Your job as an Auto Hail Repair Contractor is to explain our offer to customers and help them schedule an appointment to get their vehicle evaluated at our body shop. For every appointment you schedule you get paid hundreds or even more than a thousand dollars.
Scheduling an appointment is a simple 5 minute conversation that only takes a couple of hours to learn. You can learn online how to become an Auto Hail Repair contractor.