Author: Aaron Griffin
Entering the industry is RISKY if you don't have the right network and training.
When you work for Aaron's Hail Repair, you can be 100% sure you will be paid as promised and know exactly what to expect on the job.
The sad truth is that the hail repair industry is filled with shady characters, and 9/10 times people new to the industry get screwed over by unethical or negligent contractors.
Being a salesperson is a lot easier than owning a company, you make way more money for less work. I would be a salesperson if I could, but it can be very difficult if not impossible to find the RIGHT company to work for, which is why I started Aaron's Hail Repair - and why I have set up Aaron's hail repair to be catered to salespeople looking for legit opportunities. I'll explain....
The following story happens to countless rookies. DON'T let this happen to you!
You see a job ad posted online for 100k+ salesjob with a PDR company. You talk to them and the owner gets you all hyped up on promises that they are the most honest and experienced guys in the industry, that everyone else is scumbags but they will pay you higher than any other company, and even pay for your hotel and rental car if you come out and sell. They often don't have you sign any formal agreement outlining the exact structure of your commissions and share of profits from the jobs you bring in, nor do they have an online system to track those jobs - so its on you to keep track of everything! You are also trusting them to "live up to their word" and pay you what they promise.
You come out to the storm and it's exciting because you see hail damaged cars everywhere. You think wow I could make 100k this MONTH here. You grind really hard for two weeks to bring in over 20 cars. You're excited because you are two weeks in and already made $20k+ in commissions. But then the excitment wears off when you realize those 20 cars you just brought in, you still need to get paid on them.
Then suddenly the contractor you work for starts asking you to do a lot of extra work and running around. Call the insurance company for your customer, meet a customer for a delivery, give a customer a ride somewhere, pick up a customers car at 6pm when you need to be knocking doors, maybe you schedule a customer to the shop but no one is there to meet them so you lose a sale, etc...
You have to do what your employer asks because if you don't, they will just fire you and you won't get paid anything.
Now because of all the extra running around you have to do, you don't have time to go back and keep selling to actually hit the numbers you need to make make 30 or 40k in a month. You need to spend time selling, not running around dealing with customers. But most PDR companies aren't set up that way.
2 or 3 weeks go by and you are still spending the majority of your time running around dealing with the back end of your deals instead of selling bringing in new ones.
The "Prime Time" of the storm is over now and the easy sales are gone. Other contractors have moved in and got the business you could have got while you were out running errands for the contractor. You only bring in a couple of more cars because you get burnt out from working so much doing a bunch of extra stuff for your deals.
The contractor is now angry at you because they expected more sales. They disregard anything you try to explain about running errands takes up too much time. When you ask about getting paid they give you a weird attitude and some excuse like they are busy and will pay you next week. They don't know exactly how much you made because checks and parts are still coming in. Do you know? Have you been keeping track? When they finally tell you how much you made, theres a big discrepancy between how much you think you made.
You ask to see the estimates or any of the financials from your deals, The contractor gets mad at you for insinuating they are dishonest and threaten to fire you. They don't care because if you quit or escalate the argument into them firing you, they will just keep the 20k they owe you and get another salesperson. So you bite your tongue.
On some of your deals, insurance companies are taking take forever to pay the contractor delaying the repair process and customers start getting angry, rental car bills pile up and eat away your commissions, and you end up waiting a lot longer than you think to get paid.
So you get paid a little bit, maybe 6-10k after 3 weeks instead of the 20k+ you were hoping for. You've lost all motivation to keep working. You just want to go home, but the contractor still owes you like 15 grand. The contractor says that you need to stick around and do the work of delivering the cars if you want to get paid the full commissions. That means more waiting around for things to get approved. Also the checks are still coming in so it will be another two or three weeks until you get paid on those cars. Finally you have had enough and head home.
A month later when you finally get paid you count the money and you only made like 12k instead of the 20k+ you SHOULD have made, or worse the contractor never even pays you. Weeks go by and they keep saying they will pay you next week. You start to get calls from people you never talked to asking about their cars. You find out that they got one of your flyers and dropped off their car at the shop but the contractor never told you. The contractor claims that since you "didn't do any work to sell that customer" you "don't deserve to get paid for it".
It's sadly VERY COMMON for salespeople to get SCREWED like this by hail repair contractors because:
1) You have no legal leverage over a contractor if there was no formal commission plan signed. Suing for lost wages requires you to spend thousands on an attorney with little to no guarantee you will recover funds because even if you get a judgement six months down the road, theres nothing forcing the contractor to actually pay you. You would also have to fly back to the storm location just to go to court. You probably wont win the case because its your word against the contractor and they can make up lies and weasel out of paying you a dime.
2) Since there is no state or federal licence required to do business as an auto hail repair contractor, shady people in the industry run off with all the checks and don't pay anyone, then just start a new LLC with a new name in a new state and get new employees and screw everyone all over again. People get away with doing this for YEARS it's a vicious cycle.
3) Because of total lack of oversight in the auto hail repair industry, there are felons, drug users, and other shady people running a lot of these businesses. These types of people are sociopaths and con-artists, and they can be quite good at convincing salespeople and customers to trust them. They will promise you the moon, and after you invest a lot of time you will be confronted with painful realizations that you got screwed out of tens of thousands of dollars.
4) Because there are thousands of dollars involved with every sale, shady business owners will try get over on you if they can. ALWAYS ASSUME that hail repair contractors will be dishonest and demand a signed commission agreement, and transparency of the estimates and expenses from the BEGINNING.
What makes Aaron's Hail Repair Different? Why can you trust Aaron's Hail Repair?
My company is for door to door salespeople who want to make more selling for me than they will anywhere else.
I don't have my salespeople running errands. All my salespeople do is network with customers and set appointments. Because of this setup, and also because of my marketing materials - you will make more money and have an easier time selling for my company than any other auto hail repair company or roofing company.
All my records are online for you to see, I don't hide anything.
I keep detailed track of every dollar from every deal that comes in and out of my business and I share that information with salespeople. At all times you can see exactly what cars have come in, where they are in the insurance approval and repair process, and exactly how much you have made and are owed on each car.
I think having detailed records accessible online at anytime and keeping things transparent is more professional and keeps salespeople motivated - because you can see all the money coming in and not be wondering about it.
Aaron's Hail Repair is organized, professional, and has good marketing.
Theres a lot of work that goes into the back end of getting the vehicles you bring in approved by the insurance company, repaired properly, secure payment, and deliver back to customers.
When a hail repair company starts to get 10 or 20+ cars into the shop in a week, things can quickly get overwhelming for the production side! Each job requires hours of doing estimates, meeting with insurance adjusters, and making phone calls to insurance companies, as well as ordering and keeping track of parts, and invoices. But when you sell for Aaron's Hail Repair you don't have to worry about any of that!
My dent repair app keeps track of all the customers in the shop, and organizes tasks to make managing dozens of vehicles easier for my team. My team handles the pickups, deliveries, insurance calls, insurance inspections, dealing with customers if someone complains, and everything else on the back end of all your deals.
It's never been easier to sell auto hail repair - all you need to do is go find customers and tell them about us, schedule them into the shop.
When you are using my marketing materials like these flyers, and what you tell customers is backed up by information online, its a lot easier to get sales than it was when I first started!
Aaron's Hail Repair pay plan is more competitive than any other company I've seen.
If you want a job with Aaron's Hail Repair selling auto hail repair you first need to take my Hail Repair Contractor Masterclass so you can learn how to properly explain the ins and outs of the hail repair process. I've spent hundreds of hours developing this video training program based on the last 5 years of my experience in the industry.
Investing in my video training program and passing my Sales Contractor Certification Exam show me that you are ready for me to spend money paying for your housing at a storm,
It also shows me that you know what you are talking about and can at least explain the correct information to people even if you're not good at sales yet.
I get a ton of people who see the money potential in this job but don't follow though or lack professionalism. When you invest in my training it lets me know you are someone worth investing time into to help you become better at sales.
I don't want to invest my time into someone who is just going to work for a month and then quit. I want someone who will stick around for a few years ideally, and work hard because they want to maximize the opportunity.